Faculty of Law - University of Calgary

Forms and Finance

This is where cash stuff happens.

Need to Make a Payment?

E-Transfer Instructions

E-Transfer Recipient: slsvpfinance@gmail.com
Security Question: Title of the sculpture in MFH?
Answer: LestWeForget

Ensure that you identify in the comment section of the e-transfer

1) who you are; and
2) what the payment is for.

Need a Reimbursement?

Reimbursement Instructions

1) Fill out the Reimbursement Request Form.

2) Submit Receipts to the SLS VP Finance: slsvpfinance@gmail.com 


Sales Platform Use Request Form:

1) Download and read the request form along with the use policy.

2) Complete the Form and submit to SLS VP Marketing: jonah.secreti@ucalgary.ca

3) You will receive a confirmation email with the link to access your sales post within 2 business days

Faculty of Law Related Clubs access to the Sales Platform on the SLS Website